O Elasticdeath não faz feio e dá conta do recado mandando um bom power violence cheio de quebras de ritmo, trechos mais cadenciados, vinhetas de TV e letras em inglês. Eu recomendo!
Para o futuro já estão previstos os splits com o Obsesif Kompulsif (Indonésia) e com o Wheelchair Wheelchair Wheelchair Wheelchair (Escócia). Boa sorte à banda!
Robinho "Baltan" - Six Deadly Strings/Deep Voices/Kid Voices
Caio "Chong" - Four Iron Strings/Fat Voices/Screams
Nicolas "Nicrevis" - Two Sticks Of Doom
Monster Inside Us Demo

1 - Death And Sorrow
2 - The Shaolin Masters Have No Mercy
3 - Mr. Kato And His Boring Life
4 - The Air You Breathe Is Poisoned
5 - Prelude For U Bloody Vengeance
6 - I Against The World Of Shit
7 - I'm Dead
8 - Ultraman Doomed In Rio De Janeiro
9 - Ancient Powers Of The Blind Master
10 - One Way Down To Death
11 - Chow Yun-Fat For President
12 - Mindless Arrogant
13 - JWY

hey dude
ResponderExcluirthis awesome band from Brazil got new split CD, have you listen it already?
by the way, I have a band, so would you like get our songs to listen us?
contact me through e-mail: km.distro @ gmail.com